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Corporate Actions Request


Corporate Actions decision is taken through the general assembly held annually. Dubai CSD shall execute the action on behalf of the Public Shareholding Company upon request and by an official letter addressed to Dubai CSD indicating the type of the action, the percentage of the distribution, the entitlement date, the book closing date and the execution date. The letter should be signed by the authorized signatory at the company and should carry the company official stamp.

AED 25, minimum of AED 25,000 and maximum of AED 500,000 (per investor in the register)

The company must send an official correspondence addressed to Dubai CSD stating the AGM resolutions and containing the following details:

  • Type of corporate action
  • Trading, settlement and execution dates
  • Attach a certificate to amend the company's Articles of Association issued by the Securities and Commodities Authority, in case of any decisions that may affect the company's capital

 • The action will be executed on the settlement date or on effective date depending on action type

• An official letter will be sent by Dubai CSD to confirm the corporate action
• An invoice will be issued by Dubai CSD for the company to settle the payment
Required Documents

1. The company’s Request 

2. Annual General Assembly resolution.

3. Certificate to amend the company's Articles of Association issued by the Securities and Commodities Authority, in case of any decisions that may affect the company's capital

How to Apply
Through email to customerservice@dfm.ae or in person at Dubai CSD, World Trade Centre, Dubai
Services Catalogue & Fees